High Quality Drinking Water when: NO Electricity, NO city water, NO time to wait for help
With: AQUAMEHR TM , a patented state of the art new Mobile/Solar Water Purification & dispensing system
USA by: Aqua Blue www.AquaBlueUSA.com  1-800-791-8657  +1310-534-5344

Mobile Water Purification
Serves a basic human need:
- Accessible and practicalÂ
- Superior economics
- Ecologically compelling
- Patented Technology
- 35+ years in this business
- Delivers highest quality drinking water
- Founder has 40+ years of expertiseÂ
- International experience
Financial Aid
Financing Available
Lease or Finance
Export / Import – Bank Loan
U.S. Government Financial Aid
We can help you discover new growth potential for your business.
How can we get financing for import or export?
For small projects, complete the credit application form and send it for processing Credit App
For large projects, Click Here
Drinking water plants for some are eligible for US Government Financial Aid, Click Here
For approved drinking water projects and joint ventures with local companies’ special loans are available from the US Government. Click Here

For details about leasing, please the click button below: